Since 1962

We are On Your Side For Your Health

Our Priority is Human

We Prioritize Human Health We Remediate

Improving Ourselves For You

We Are Investigating


Our Priority is Human.

We are aware of the value of Human Health. In the light of this awareness, we manufacture for healthier next generations and community.


Message from CEO

During the 3-year period between 2017 and 2020, we achieved a net turnover of $ 3M with totally 8 equivalent products. Our next goal is to reach a turnover of $ 30M during the next 5-year period and become a Turkish pharmaceutical company with 100% domestic capital who holds 50 equivalent drug authorizations and has a self-sufficient manufacturing site.

Human Resources

We walk with innovative and passionate people while improving the life and the future.

We know the importance of working with good fellows. We know how our employees will contribute to our run through our goals and believe in them.


We move ahead, grow and develop by taking responsibility.


Our business is our biggest passion.


We trust our company, name, employees and products.

"Our Priority is Human"

We are aware of our responsibility with the motto “Our Priority is Human". We work with great passion and are confident with our products and ourselves.
